breastfeeding connections

Join a support group

Nursing Mothers Counsel leads a FREE lactation support group hosted by Blossom Birth and Family. This group is for you whether you are struggling with your nursing experience and are looking to troubleshoot, or you simply want to enjoy the support and company of other nursing parents. The group addresses issues such as improving latch, knowing your baby is getting enough to eat, transitioning back to work, how to get anything done when it feels like you are constantly nursing, and much more. A highly trained NMC lactation counselor leads this group and can answer questions. All nursing parents including partners/support people and their babies (of course!) are welcome. DROP INS ARE WELCOME but we encourage you to register for free at the Blossom link above so we know how many to expect!

This FREE group is held 11:30am–12:30 pm every second and fourth Tuesday, indoors at 3921 Fabians Way, Palo Alto in Building G at the Oshman Family JCC. Pull into the driveway and let the Security Booth attendant know the reason for your visit. Park in the garage near Aisle D, take elevator for OFJCC Preschool one level up to an inner court and walk left past the preschool until you see the big letter “G” on the building. Blossom’s office is located below the “G” sign in G106 “The Jeff Center for Families”.